Lomonosov Moscow State University Offers International Scholarships

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Interested in attending Lomonosov Moscow State University? If so, then you’ve come to the right place. The faculty of geography of the university was created by order #109 dated 23 July 1938, and it is one of the largest groups of geographers in the world. The school employs more than 700 researchers, 1100 undergraduates, and 200 postgraduates. The university has a reputation for producing top researchers in a wide variety of fields.

Founded in 1755 by Mikhail Lomonosov, the university was modeled after German universities. It was initially staffed largely by German-speaking faculty. Though the university went through some difficult years before the 1917 revolution, it opened its doors to students of all social backgrounds and aided the lower classes in obtaining the entrance qualifications. However, political repressions hampered the development of scientific ideas, and scientists of the Soviet Union had virtually no contact with their foreign counterparts.

In addition to providing an excellent education, Lomonosov Moscow State University is committed to social equity. It awards scholarships to international students from low-income families. To qualify for a scholarship, you must be Russian-speaking and hold a postgraduate degree in the language. The award will cover one semester of tuition. To qualify, you must demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and fluency in Russian. To apply for a scholarship, you must submit an application form and a letter from your current university. You should also submit a letter of recommendation from your current university. This letter will help the institution make a final decision on your eligibility.

The Faculty of Political Science trains specialists with classical university traditions. Students in this field combine international expertise with innovative research in practical politics. Senior students gain practical experience during externships and work placements in government departments, international organizations, and the information departments of leading Russian corporations. The program also trains students in economic diplomacy and mass media. The University’s international cooperation reaches 130 countries and a wide variety of fields.

The Institute of Russian Language and Culture at MSU specializes in teaching the Russian language to international students. It also offers scholarships for special academic disciplines. More than 1,200 international students currently receive instruction at the Institute of Russian Language and Culture. In addition to receiving government aid, you must have excellent grades and a desire to advance in your field. And remember, you can always apply for scholarships at Lomonosov Moscow State University!

The educational institution has a large library. Its main building is one of the largest in the world. Visitors can check out the barometer and thermometer, which stand at nine meters. And don’t forget to visit the observation deck! There’s a view of Moscow from there that’s impossible to capture on a single photograph. So, if you’re looking for an unforgettable experience, don’t miss visiting Lomonosov Moscow State University!

Founded in 1755, Lomonosov Moscow State University is one of Russia’s oldest public research universities. The school is known as the “Russian Harvard,” as its alumni have gained respectable positions in the world’s major financial centers. Today, the University hosts more than 2000 students a year, making it one of the largest and most prestigious higher education institutions in the country. And with its international reputation and prestigious schools, it’s no wonder it’s a top choice for foreign students!

Despite suffering heavy damage during World War II, Moscow State University emerged as an academic powerhouse in the post-war period, expanding its status as one of the largest universities in the country. In fact, the university received a fivefold increase in state funding. A new campus was built on Sparrow Hills, and the university again became internationally recognized for its contributions to science and society. As a result, nearly twelve percent of scientific discoveries in the USSR were made by graduates of the university.

Lomonosov Moscow State University is one of the world’s leading universities, providing training in virtually all branches of modern science. It offers graduate and undergraduate degrees in over sixty specializations. With over forty thousand students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs, it is one of the largest institutions for science in Russia. Additionally, the university is home to more than ten thousand high school students. Therefore, international students are encouraged to apply to the university for a scholarship.

Scholarships at Lomonosov Moscow State University are based on the distinction merits of current State Academic Scholars and are awarded to ten percent of the faculty-student population. This increase has made these grants more competitive, but is a fantastic incentive for students to spread their excellence beyond the university. These scholarships are also funded by government and other sources, so be sure to apply early. If you qualify for one, you will be awarded nearly US$ 5000 toward your study abroad.